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Research Projects


MOPP- MEDFLOOD is a 4-year project that is the continuation of MEDFLOOD (2012-2015) and is funded by INQUA for the period 2016 to 2020.

The main aim of the first 4 years of MEDFLOOD was to bridge the communities of earth scientists and archeologists working on sea-level problems in the Mediterranean Sea. Results of these activities included several publications on geoarchaeology and paleo sea levels in the Mediterranean at different time scales. During the MEDFLOOD 4-year period, 4 workshops were organized including field activities aimed at fueling discussions and interdisciplinary exchanges between archeologists, physical geographers and geologists on sea level topics.

Studio Geologi Associati T.S.T. is one of the leaders of the MOPP MEDFLOOD project and in the first meeeting, held in Bremen in september 2016, it was convener of a Session titled.

"Best practices for paleo-environmental reconstructions. What degree of resolution we can currently achieve?"

G. Scicchitano PhD, of the Studio T.S.T., began the session giving an overview of the state-of-the-art methods available to measure and map coastal features that are relevant for coastal geomorphology studies and reconstruction of extreme events (e.g. storm or Tsunami). This was followed by presentations that included remarkable data sets on the Holocene sea level changes measured by coral reefs in Indonesia and an holistic approach to reconstruct the evolution of the coast of Israel in the Late Quaternary. 

The second meeting will be in Sardinia in 2017.

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